Annie Nathan Meyer
“Believing that education was the best path for women’s success, Annie Nathan Meyer founded Barnard College, New York’s first liberal arts college for women. After Barnard opened in 1889, Meyer served on the board of trustees, continued her fundraising and publicity work for the new school, and raised scholarship money for Zora Neale Hurston, the first African American student at Barnard, as well as future students of color… To Meyer, motherhood placed a woman into a protected, if not sacred, class. Childless women were free to pursue the professions, but not vote. Meyer saw no inconsistencies in her indisputable achievement in expanding women’s higher education and her antisuffragism.” (Jewish Women's Archive)
Further Research
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Biographical and reference sources to provide additional background on your figure.
Check the topic pages on Women's Rights Movement and Women's Suffrage.
You will find solid reference and secondary sources on key black American figures.
Check out the topic pages on Women's Rights and Women's Suffrage.