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Mary E. Church Terrell


“Mary Eliza Church Terrell was a renowned educator and speaker who campaigned fearlessly for women’s suffrage and the social equality of African Americans… Terrell, along with journalist Ida B. Wells, organized anti-lynching campaigns to mobilize advocates and generate awareness… Terrell was an active member of the National Association of Women’s Suffrage Act (NAWSA), where she worked alongside the organization’s founder, Susan B. Anthony. Terrell … was the only woman of African descent invited to speak at the [International Congress of Women in Berlin in 1904]. She delivered her speeches in German, French, and English, receiving a standing ovation from the audience.” (Smithsonian)

Recommended Sources

The following biography and article are starter sources for your research. Additionally, we have compiled a list of websites to search for primary sources on your figure.

Further Research

The librarians recommend the following databases for additional research. Any additional research beyond the supplied sources is optional. If you use additional sources, please remember to create a hyperlink citation in the text of your position statement.

Ancient Stone Sculpture

Biographical and reference sources to provide additional background on your figure.

Image by Boston Public Library

Check the topic pages on Women's Rights Movement and Women's Suffrage.

Image by Library of Congress

You will find solid reference and secondary sources on key black American figures. 

Image by John Bakator

Check out the topic pages on Women's Rights and Women's Suffrage.

© Resources compiled by BB&N Upper School History Teachers and Librarians

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