UN Sustainable Development Goals
As part of this project, you are required to incorporate the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals which you will find below:

How are the different SDGs impacted by mining?
The chart below outlines the relevance of mining to individual SDGs. The goals listed on the right of the chart (as you move along the x-axis) are directly impacted by mining, whilst the goals to the left are less directly impacted. Also, the goals at the top of the chart (above the x-axis line) are goals on which mining has a positive effect (e.g. SDG 1 - there is less poverty as mining brings jobs to communities). In comparison, mining has a negative impact on the goals below the x-axis (e.g. SDG 13 - mining has a negative impact on the climate).

Environmental Sustainability
Clean water and Sanitation (SDG 6)
- Life on Land (SDG 15)
- Energy Access and Sustainability (SDG 7)
- Climate Action (SDG 13)
- Life Below Water (SDG 14)
Social Inclusion
End Poverty (SDG 1)
Zero Hunger (SDG 2)
Gender Equality (SDG 5)
Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10)
Peace and Justice (SDG 16)
Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3)
Economic Development
Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)
Infrastructure, Innovation and Industrialization (SDG 9)
Responsible Consuption and Production (SDG 12)
Sustainable Cities (SDG 11)
Quality Education (SDG 4)